Personal contact is one of the greatest marketing tactics of all time. Companies that stay in regular contact with their customers, prospects and referral sources build relationships that last.
When you don’t have time to contact your key audiences in person as often as you would like, newsletters help fill the void. Newsletters enable you to establish your credentials, share useful information on a regular basis on the latest developments or trends affecting investing and good money management practices, and keep your customers and prospects up to date with your products and services. The Resource Center provides newsletter services in several different formats:
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These newsletters are specific to your firm with your masthead and content. We work with you to produce each issue from writing and layout to print production.

The Thoughtful Investor is a four-page FINRA-reviewed client newsletter developed quarterly and personalized for the advisory firm.
Explore The Thoughtful Investor

The Financial Perspective is a two-page version of the quarterly Thoughtful Investor newsletter that can be sent out once or twice a quarter.

Articles written for the Thoughtful Investor may also be used for news releases, columns, blog postings and more.
Read a recent issue
- 2nd Quarter 2020
- The Reality of Stock Market Declines
- Time to Rethink Your Retirement Plan Strategy
- Have You Set Account Alerts?
- Your Brain – Better with Age!
Newsletter Formats
printed four- or two-color newsletters
- Designed for use as a self mailer or for enclosing in statements.
HTML formatted web page and flipbook newsletters
- Post the newsletter to your web site as a web page for great search optimization.
- Use a flipbook presentation for a professional look.
pdf newsletters
- These files that can be emailed to clients, posted to web sites and/or printed in house.
Formatted Email newsletters
- Newsletters are prepared for the client's distribution on Constant Contact and other email platforms.