Brochures and marketing materials
"Effective communications that help your business succeed are at the cORE of our services. ”
We specialize in creating original marketing materials for registered investment advisers, money managers, mutual fund companies, financial associations and others. Our key strength is an understanding of active investment approaches gained from more than 20 years in the financial industry. Effective communications don't always fit the mold of what was done before. Circumstances and opportunities may make it appropriate to try something new that makes you stand out from your competition.
Our goal and objective is to continually look for more effective means of marketing our clients' services to their targeted audiences. This allows our services to continually evolve and expand along our areas of expertise.
Questions to Begin the Process
The marketing approach you choose dictates what types of sales materials and brochures you will need. If you anticipate growing your firm primarily through referrals and family contacts, a good web site may suffice. If you will be reaching out to prospects unfamiliar with your firm and its capabilities, you will need printed brochures and marketing materials.
To determine what level of materials you will need, you need to answer the following:
(1) Who will present your services to the prospect?
(2) How will you control your message? If your investment strategies will be marketed by registered representatives or investment advisor representatives, you will need to provide those individuals with materials that clearly explain how you manage assets, what clients should expect, and what you expect of clients.
(3) How will you maintain contact with prospects to help them make their advisor decision? Will you rely on emails, direct mail, contact by a third party or personal follow-up?
Once you've established a marketing direction, we can assist you with writing, designing, and producing your printed pieces, from basic mailer-size brochures to formal folder presentations. These pieces will also appear as pdf attachments on your web site and can be used with email communications. SEC and FINRA guidelines regarding promotional materials for financial advisors are followed in the development of copy for your brochure as well in the use of graphics.

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